maandag 4 februari 2008

How to get the girl when partying

A lot of people come complaining to me lately about not having a girlfriend, not having sex, …, just the old plain and simple ‘not getting the girl’. Mostly they have thought the issue over and have come to some sort of conclusion why this is the case. The reasons most heard are: I’m not good looking enough, I’m not social enough, etc … But you see I’m not so good looking and some of my friends are butt-ugly and we seem to do OK. So I started paying attention to how my friends got the girls when partying, and here are my conclusions.

- First GET OUT OF YOUR APPARTMENT. You would think this is a no-brainer, but half of the complainers don’t leave the house. Unless you want to date your old cleaning lady or the gay landlord, it is vital that you leave the house. If you are not planning on doing this stop reading now.

- So you gathered your friends, left your house and went to the party. You’re all set to go. If you think you look uglier then your dog you probably are. But …. looks are not important. No, let’s rephrase that, looks are not important as long as you don’t look like you live in a cardboard box under a bridge. So take a shower, dress to impress without overdoing (don’t wear a suit, when you’re not used to, you’ll just look like an ass) and pleeaaasssseeeee do not where dumb-ass slogan T-shirts (you know: ‘the impregnator’ – ‘I’m with stupid’ - J ). You might do that when you’re 16, if you’re older you might as well put ‘stay away from me”’ on your T.

- So far so good. Now have fun. You’re going out to have fun, not to find girls. If you’re going out to find girls, you’ll not get any. You go out to have fun. Period.
If you’re looking like you’re having a great time, you will attract people. So have a drink, dance, have a laugh … it is a party after all.

- Ok, now for something really important. It will sound a bit strange but especially teens do not get this part. Are you ready? I’ll write it in capitals. Are you really ready? Because this is the BIG secret. Here it comes: TALK TO PEOPLE. So don’t stand around with your mates looking all dorky, but mingle. You’ll be surprised how many people actually want to talk back. Just do it casually, don’t go looking all ‘I really want sex today’. So you see the hot girl of your choice, now go to her and talk.

- Owkay, you’re half way there. But now most guys fail miserably, because the next step is equally important. After talking for awhile, let’s say 10 minutes, BACK OFF. Go back to your friends, have a drink, have some fun. But for god’s sake back off. If you don’t she’ll think that you’re a loser with nothing else to do. But … make sure that see can see you having great fun with your great friends while you are away. This will make her want to know more about you.

- So after awhile go back to her. If she’s the least bit interested she’ll be more interested now, because she knows that you can walk away at any time (that’s apparently how women work). So now is the time to really start talking. Pay attention to what she is saying, and make sure she knows that you’re listening by using things she said when talking but more important, look at her body language. Is she facing you, touching you, looking in your eyes when speaking, … in short: Are you feeling a good vibe?

- If so, you could start thinking about kissing her. And you know what? No tips there, here you’re on your own. You’ll know when you can, and you’ll notice when you can’t. :)

- So in short: Go out, have fun, talk, back off, talk again, kiss … rinse … repeat … it really is that simple.

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